”Narrated by the legendary Jeremy Irons, and with outstanding performances by Stefanos Dimoulas…”
”și de prezența a doi balerini plini de fantezie – Natacha Trigg și Stefanos Dimoulas…”
”The dancers, especially Stefanos Dimoulas as the Dragonfly and Lucy Burns as the Spirit of the Vixen, performed to a very high standard…”
”…led by the elegant dragonfly (Stefanos Dimoulas), flitting and pirouetting over the grassy mounds of Maria Bjornson’s set.”
”The characters are played by Stefanos Dimoulas…shows flavors of fantastic technique…but what really stands out is the strength of their mime and synchronicity as they journey through the story. ”
”Playing a rotating cast of antagonists… Stefanos Dimoulas… spin a wheel of exaggerated emotions… an honorable character, including Dimoulas as Fiammetta’s sequin-spangled grandmother.”
”For dancer Stefanos Dimoulas‘ Dragonfly, it is a quite silent end to its filigree flutterings at the close of its day.”
”…this is an accessible, enjoyable production that proves opera can be for everyone… Cast includes Stefanos Dimoulas…”