A Dance Documentary, directed by Artur Zaremba, questioning the concept of masculinity in dance and society. Bringing together heartfelt testimony, archival footage, dynamic framing, and scintillating dance performance, short documentary SPECTRUM questions society’s outmoded assumptions of what constitutes masculinity, whilst demonstrating the new horizon of possibilities for performance when freed from the shackles of convention. Who is the masculine man?
Featured in Directors Notes: “Great work!! Thank you” – Jerry Saltz
Stefanos was one of the two main dancers.
In collaboration with: | Stefanos Dimoulas and Jontae McCrory |
Director: | Artur Zaremba |
DOP: | Fergus Thom |
1st AC: | Julie Sande |
1st AD: | Steven Meiklem |
Produced by: | Haze Creative |
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November 13, 2017